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Taking a stab at making my own cards...

I have several ideas for decks twirling around in my mind, but I'm starting, and that is what matters.

My deck ideas so far include:

  • Landscape Photography Tarot - Where I slowly piece together landscape photos and connect them to tarot cards. It was inspired by taking the *perfect* natural landscape photo that represents IX - The Hermit, and it's inspiring a jumping off point. It will be slow to develop, as I want it to be a pure photography deck, not mixed media or drawn art. I think it will be deeply personal for me and a testament to my love for tarot, nature, and travel.

  • Clever Not Clairvoyant Tarot - This deck has already begun to take form. I will be working on one card (maybe more) a month for my Patreon, and each month I will print one copy per patron, plus 3 for my first edition of this deck, and upon its completion I will see about either launching a Kickstarter or finding a printer to do a first complete edition run. Given that I'm starting January 2022, and I'm only hoping to do one card per month, it might not be completed for 78 months, meaning it would be "ready" in its first iteration in July 2028. I might speed up this process but I wanted to make one card a month a *minimum* goal, please check out the "Clever Not Clairvoyant Tarot Design" tier on Patreon for more details.

  • Deck of Many Moons - A mixed-media oracle deck that fuses tarot, astrology, and numerology themes. It started with my "Scorpio - Gemini Moon" card, which I'll be sharing here shortly. There are 144 combinations for Sun and Moon signs, so I'll be figuring out if I want to do a massive deck with all signs, smaller packets sorted by Sun or Moon sign, or some other variety. I originally thought of doing the above 144 combinations with variations for each moon phase, but given that would be an 1152 card deck, I don't think it will happen. Do you have any thoughts or suggestions for this development?

  • Stray Cards - You may have seen me mention The Alleyman Tarot before, but the facebook group for Alleymates has inspired me to create simple one-off cards. I hope to be creating stray cards that will be available first to my Patrons and then on my Etsy, with limited runs depending on the number of Patrons and my financial ability at the time. This is pure passion for me, and I want to create unique and unusual representations of the standard tarot cards, as well as random oracle cards that might strike others.

So as I continue on this journey, I hope you'll bear with me and stick around for the ride. <3

Much love,


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