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When you purchase this item, you'll receive a PDF with the spread for the most recent Full or New Moon created by Clever Not Clairvoyant Creations.

Each PDF will include:

  • a photo of the spread and brief explanation of its significance
  • an overview of the cards pulled in the spread
  • a deep dive into each card
  • a summary of the reading
  • any additional thoughts or items that come up while the reading is occurring. The additional items could range from a playlist for your reading, or some other media recommendations, or any other variety of things. 

Each PDF will be minimum 7 pages, and each one will be bespoke. Expect to receive your digital product within 2-4 business days.

I offer 3 tiers for all my products as part of my committment to financial accessibility. Community tier is discounted, Benefactor tier subsidizes Community tier sales. It's on an honor system and 5 of each tier are available per month at this time.

Subscribers save 25%!

DISCLAIMER: Tarot readings are subject to interpretation and should not be taken as absolute. They are for entertainment and informational purposes only. No guarantee can be given as to the accuracy of a reading. While tarot readings aim for accuracy and complete answers, they should never replace advice from qualified professionals. Tarot readers will not provide advice on certain topics, including legal/financial/medical matters. Thank you for understanding.

Seasonal tarot reading - Digital

SKU: 364215376135191
Price Options
One-time purchase
Full Moon Reading
New spread every Full Moon
C$18.75every month for 12 months
New Moon Reading
New moon spreads every month
C$18.75every month for 12 months
  • A beautiful PDF with full colour photos for you to remember your reading. This is not a physical product.

  • Due to the type of service this is, there is no returns or exchanges aside from if I do not deliver the product after 6 business days. In this case, you will be refunded, and you will still get your PDF of the reading as soon as I am able.

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